Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Sleep rebel
Sunday, 26 October 2008
In which Babymomma and poppa leave the house sans enfants
Jasmine does a TWITWE in the potty
Saturday, 25 October 2008
And yet more Kew
BUT... in the short 6 days since Felix first crawled 2 inches, he's now making his way across thresholds, into other rooms, over to boxes and buckets and tables and everywhere. It's amazing. He's totally amazing. And teeth number 3 and 4 are beginning to poke through. And he's getting more and more handsome each day.
Jambeans is currently in 7th Heaven this weekend as Granma is up and she's the best thing since sliced bread.
And as for me, I love Autumn, and there's nothing more invigorating than Kew on a fresh, windy Autumn day.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Bloody bloody potty training
So we stopped.
Pause. Go on holiday. Come back. Wait for a while...
And now we're starting again. She is somewhat reluctant, despite going through the ritual of buying her pants to get excited about. And reading her potty book a gazillion times over. She quite happily fills the potty with plastic food. It's just the real, digested food stage she's bypassed completely.
She also likes to watch the entire parade of animals take turns on the potty (Porridge the Bear, Pedro the Capucin monkey, Luigi Penguini the macaroni penguin, Ed the Dog, Upsy Daisy, Big Po, Little Po, Tiger, Babydoll and the list goes on...), then mummy or daddy has a turn, then maybe Felix and then, if we're lucky, Jasmine has a go. For about 2 seconds.
I think the real problem though, is that Mummy and Daddy are a bit lazy about it all too. It's just too easy to give in and change her nappy.
Bloody bloody potty training. I really can't be arsed.
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Twisting my melon man
A right proper day out
Inching forward
As if that wasn't enough, he started doing some serious babbling - babababababababa - then paused, then opened his mouth again...
And then my baby boy said ma-ma.
What a total result.
Monday, 13 October 2008
Rescued by music
The feeling that I’m a time bomb about to explode tipped over into this morning, when I did, indeed, explode. The catalyst – the discovery I had lost my precious, beautiful, indispensable, all-weather, all-terrain black Berghaus raincoat. And soon after that, I totally lost what little composure I had left. Tears, shouting, and frustration – it all came out in a torrent. Then I stormed off, slamming the door behind me and leaving a frustrated and perplexed boyfriend, a poorly toddler who doubtless thought she had done something wrong, and, thankfully, an oblivious baby.
The cause – hormones, bloody hormones, as “time of the month” has come round again. I remember feeling this irrationally angry during the first weeks of my pregnancy with Felix. It’s totally nasty. And I’m not sure I know how to deal with it.
The guilt and wretchedness started about two paces out of the door, combined with more tears. I had one resort – my “panic” play list I had compiled the day before I started work, designed to guide me through times like this: when the burdens of responsibility, combined with rush hour, combined with sick children and exhaustion hangovers take hold. Only it didn’t work, and I was getting angrier and angrier, when suddenly, the last 4 songs started to cast their magic spell over me and some semblance of normality returned.
Johnny Cash, Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Justin Timberlake (yes, that's Justin Timberlake, I know...) – I owe you a debt of gratitude.
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Why didn't today work?
I'm sure extreme fatigue after a week of hard work and very crappy sleep has a lot to do with it, but you can't hold it against innocent children for wanting their mama in the middle of the night, and I'm so over blaming the boyfried for getting me knocked up in the first place (and then the second place), so instead I am going to hold Tesco responsible.
Tesco. Shudder. Where we went this morning to do a mop up shop. Went in feeling quite jolly. Emerged in a totally shitty mood. It's horrible in there. The staff are indifferent. The people are indifferent. None of the food is clearly labelled. The trolleys don't fucking work. You can't move without getting bashed in the face by a Vicki Pollard lookalike. We're running back to the haven of middle class snobbery that is Waitrose and are resolved never to step foot in Tesco again.
Heads are down, new teeth are coming and we're all coming down with something
I had made the decision to stop checking for teeth because of the 'watched pot' effect, but regretted it the minute I had to hear the news second-hand, from the staff at nursery. That felt totally wrong, but I'll deal with it. I'm sure as hell not going to give up work...
...which I'm still enjoying most muchly, but, alas, the honeymoon period is definitely over. It's busy. Damn busy. I've had my head down solidly since Thursday and on Friday I didn't leave till well after 4pm*. So instead of pitstopping at home, I had to go straight to nursery in full work regalia (smart togs, Coccinelle handbag, inappropriately high heels) where Felix promptly did a major vomit all over me. Niiiice. Thanks baby.
And then he did another major vom in the buggy just as we got to our front doorstep. And sice then he's been farting offensively and doing horrible poos and moaning and waking in the middle of the night, so we're figuring he's caught some kind of bug, and then oh my god, last night did he do one seriously large projectile vomit all over our bathroom? There wasn't a single surface that hadn't been sprayed in the stuff and for once, I am not exaggerating.
Whatever bug he's got has now made it's way over to Jasmine which is always more of a worry, in case it goes straight to her chest. And now I'm back at work that familiar stress of having to negotiate who takes the day off is lurking...
It doesn't feel so bad this time though, because we're setting great store in this new medication she's just been prescribed. Suspecting asthma, bf took her to see a specialist at Great Ormond Street, who's put her on something called Singulair. Comes in powder form, you mix it with ice cream, so no inhalers, no spacers and no pinning a reluctant and fighting toddler down to take it. We're to give it to her for the duration of her cold and it should, fingers crossed, help steady her breathing.
*i realise this makes me look like I am, in fact, slouching off rudely early, but being a working babymomma I'm only contracted to work till 3pm.
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Wannabe wrestler
Maybe it's a boy thing. Maybe it's a full-term thing. Maybe it's just a Felix thing but I sure as hell don't remember Jambeans being this wriggly.
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Precious time
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
This rat is racing
I'm absolutely loving it.