Zayne is a real cutie - small but perfectly formed. (Just like his mum, who is in her late 30s but looks 10 years younger, and is a size 6. You can probably tell I'm quite in awe.) He has huge, brown eyes, a shock of luxurious , curly hair and boundless energy.

Zayne has an elder brother, called Raes (pronounced Reece) who was also premature and between the two of them they keep Seema very, very, very busy. Whenever I speak to her she's always trying to keep one eye on Raes, the other on Zayne, whilst having something fixed in the house, or running to the shops, or to the dentist's, or the doctor's, or nursery, and she always seems to have some banking to do. I don't quite know how she fits it all in. (And I confess the banking thing puzzles me. How much banking can there possible be for the average babymomma? Thank God for internet banking, is what I say.)
I'm sure I'd have a breakdown if I had as much to do as Seema.
When she does make it out, Seema is a very chilled out, loving and happy mum. She's so in control (but in a good relaxed way, as opposed to the neurotic end of the spectrum I inhabit) - I guess (hope) that's the experience of having done it once before kicking in.
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