Jam-beans has been an absolute delight this weekend. Her personality and independence are really coming through - she reaches for specific toys, makes a noise when she wants something, lifts her arms up to be picked up, watches where something drops and when she babbles it just sounds like she's saying something specific.
She sits on her own quite beautifully now. I'm not quite sure when the wobbling stopped, and the balancing started - I feel like I've missed something.
As predicted, her veggie rejection is almost complete so today she's been a good little food guinea-pig for us. Lots of food firsts today - her first pasta, went down a treat, her first meat, gobbled up, her first finger food - half a rice cracker successfully munched rather than being used asa drumstick before being cast off the high chair.

To look at her, she doesn't seem like a baby any more. She's losing the big doe-eyed look. She obviously isn't a toddler yet, so I'm not quite sure what she is. Whatever she is, it's very very very cute.
School tomorrow :-( I just want to stay at home and play with Jazzie.
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