Lots and lots and lots of yelping today. Lots and lots and lots of eye goo (or iGoo if you are Steve Jobs). Lots and lots and lots of cuddles and carrying the bub. Arms ache, back aches, neck aches. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
There was quite a bit of unspoken tension between mummy and daddy about what to do tomorrow. She seemed fairly well this morning, so it was all - should we send her to nursery? What if they want to send her home? Who shouldn't go to work? We were both prepared to compromise but that, combined with the bub's generally being quite unwell plus watching Arsenal go 1 goal down at home to premiership laggards Wigan was making me feel very very icky and antsy and anxious.
Then Arsenal clawed back a 2-1 win in the last 10 mins.

I said it was like batman answering the bat signal. Dp said "more like old-bat signal".
And despite myself, I nearly wet myself laughing.
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