Thursday, 15 February 2007

On the mend

Thursday 15th February

Jazzie's definitely on the mend - her eyes are almost clear and she's returned to her usual demanding and grabby self. (You know, the sort of thing that goes: Carry me! No not like that, or that, or that. No I don't want to be on my tummy. I want to stand. Hold me while I stand. Oooh, I want that. I'm gonna reach for it. Ow, that hurt. Waaah. Ooh, I want that one instead. Help me reach for it. No I don't want to lie on my back I want to stand. What happens if throw it? Where's it gone. Ooh, I want that. I want it i wants it i wants it i wants it NOOOWWWW. Ooh, what happens if I throw it again? Where's it gone? Ooh, I want that. No, I don't want to lie on my tummy. Waah. Ooh, what's that? ad infinitum)

I felt exhausted today and couldn't quite summon the energy to make it to yoga. To be honest, am probably also quite nervous at the prospect of getting in a car again, as I haven't driven since the accident.

Oooohhhh - nearly forgot, Nicki, who I work with, had a little girl yesterday evening on Valentines Day. How cuuuuuute! I felt myself welling up - it's such an amazing thing bringing a new baby into this world.

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