Basically, after about 5 minutes of argy-bargying with the midwife about painkillers (none available in the ante-natal unit whatsoever, and it was in a bleeding hospital - you would have thought...) and how my back was killing me, and how I needed a physiotherapy referral, I heaved myself onto the table for an examination. Three short questions ensued:
MW: (placing hands lightly on tummy) Does that hurt?
Me: (crying) Yes
MW: And does it feel like period pain?
Me: Yes
MW: And does the pain come and go?
Me: Yes
MW: Girl, I think you're in labour.
So that was about that. So after some machines, tests, much denial, some anxiety, frantic phone calls and an emergency c-section later, Jasmine was born.

Here's a photo of her at about 2 days old, just after she came off C-pap. She just came out so beautiful.
At first I loved looking at her early photos but a few months after bringing her home I found it more difficult, and still come over all weepy when I look back at them.
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