Sunday, 31 January 2010

Box set heaven

Last night I stayed up till midnight so I could get to the end of The Wire, series 1. Utterly addicted.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Sucked in by a Black Hole

Bloody Hell, have I really not posted a word since I got a year older? Well, I think I also forgot to say HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone.

Shortly after my birthday the snow came proper. Nursery shut down for a day (flaky) and any work momentum I had been building up disappeared.

Felix' is copying just about every word. He has "manic half hours" - like a kitten going bonkers. He's going through his toy stage. As in, must-cuddle-them-all-at-the-same-time. It's very cute.

The builders started work on the loft conversion. With one slight wibble, it's going well so far. They're cracking ahead, and it's not as cold or messy as we thought. Bf initiated a search for the perfect children's furniture yesterday evening, and even though he wimped out after 20 minutes (to check the footie scores) it was very exciting.

And I'm trying to launch a new website. And it's totally manic.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

I am 36 today

It's true that the best birthdays are the ones you don't plan, so this year's birthday was bloody marvellous.

Bf had booked us lunch at Chez Gerrard in Covent Garden - one of my fave restos in London, mainly because of the bootiful conservatory - and also managed to organise some top class blue sky crystal fresh winter weather - the kinda weather that makes you feel totally alive, though it did make me yearn for the slopes.

This morning we took the kids out for a bike/ scooter ride. Bf has insisted on taking her out at every opportunity and now Jasmine has really got the hang of cycling and steering on the flat. She zooms along and I have to run to keep up with her, making mummy and daddy uber proud.

Speaking of uber proud, we have both gone totally gooey over Felix this holiday, cos he's turned into the cutest, scrumbliest, bestest little boy ever. He's very boisterous and likes to clamber all over Jambeans, who sort of loves it, until he kicks her in the face or something like that.

The terrible twos are still making themselves felt - he's going through a bit of a chewy / bitey phase, potentially linked to the molars theory, and, horror of horrors, has started copying Jambeans in the muzzy-chewing department. She thinks its great, doubtless overjoyed to be in the company of "someone like me" but I'm somewhat reluctant to encourage it. He's also going through a throwing and hitting phase and has been keeping the naughty step quite warm. It sort of works but he doesn't stay on, and his wickedly naughty grin when I put him on makes me mad, and I know is his way of testing me. But he's getting there, and is totally amazing all of the rest of the time.