Saturday, 26 June 2010

Life is tough and then some

I've been a full time working mama for nearly a year now, and even though I am definitely mucho happier in myself now, compared to previous jobs/ part-time work/ unemployment/ mat leave/ freelancing it has to be said that life is still bloody difficult. Not being the most physically staminacious woman means I am tired round the clock. Most of all though, I am missing my friends. It's been over a year (maybe two) since I've seen or spoken to any of the girlie gang and that's just so wrong it's not true. After the routine of work and kids there is just NO TIME for anything else.


Felix, it must be said, is extremely good at football.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

will everyone please stop having babies?

It's making me all broody, but it also makes me feel old at the same time. But much as I'd love to have another snuggly-wuggly-oochi-coo-cutie-pie-ickle-bundle-of-fluffy-love to cuddle, I seriously do not want another baby. Or another pregnancy for that matter.

So, belatedly, I say congratulations to Ely'n'Si, Jessica'n'Steve, Mat'n'Krista, Ivan'n'Emma, Katie V, Nicki T, Lee W and James from work.

Babies rock!

Friday, 4 June 2010