It only seems like a couple of weeks since Jasmine took her first steps. Now there's no stopping her. She's desperately impatient to move and every spare second she has is dedicated to pulling herself up, toddle-trucking and cruising. She's also sort of getting the hang of crawling on her hands and knees (as opposed to on her belly army-stylee) but would much rather be on her feet.
It's all about pride mixed with fear at this stage. For every new achievement the physical exertion is written all over her face and body, and it's a real, tear-welling moment of pride when she succeeds.
But she also needs constant supervision. Turn away for a second and she's on the other side of the room, turning out contents of a bottom draw, complete with plastic bags and mothballs. And I realise now that nothing is sacred - every shelf, cupboard and draw that Jazzie can reach is no longer just "our stuff" but is now buried treasure for baby explorers.
It's all fantastic, but also really knackering. I'm pretty used to being physically knackered all the time but this is emotionally knackering too, which makes it worse. I'm so knackered I fell asleep on the sofa in a knackered stupor again last night and when I finally made it upstairs (ie the bf had to prod me awake and force me to get up) I was too knackered to brush my teeth (something I haven't done for about 5 years) and just climbed knackeredly into bed. Sigh.