Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Lots of kicking, no hiccups

Bump (aka Felix) very busy kicking these days. Particularly after food. And particularly if I eat chocolate. I tried staying away for 2 days - decrease in kicking activity was noticeable, but withdrawal symptoms kicked in. Chocolate very much back on the menu now.

No sign up of hiccups though. Jambeans had them all the time. Drove me mad.

Monday, 26 November 2007

Poisonous poo

Jambeans has been doing some seriously smelly poo recently.

Bf said "Jasmine. Something has crawled up your arse and died there."

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Things we only allow our children to do to us

Got home on a rainy, dark and wet Monday last week to a power cut. 30 minutes in a snotty Jambeans started screaming blue murder before vomiting madly all over me, my boobs, my work clothes and my hair. Yeeeeuuuuccccchhhh. No hot water so had to make do with a cold flannel wash for both of us and a croydon facelift for the sicky hair.

God I stank.

Jammie spiked a fever that lasted all night so we were 3 to the bed with Mum and Dad Florence Nightingaling whilst Jammie moaned quitely to herself. Power cut lasted 5 hours. I was so knackered when it finally came back on, I only summoned the energy to have a shower 4 hours later after a bit of uncomfortable pregnancy kip.

How I just love being a mum sometimes.