Monday, 29 September 2008
Noo girl
Morrison called me to say "Good Luck" and "you're not a housewife any more" which sounded good to the ears. Fingers crossed I'm still chirpy about it all at the end of the week.
Friday, 26 September 2008
Thursday, 25 September 2008
That frazzled feeling again
Continuing on the anal theme...
And it's only gone and taken me 7 months. But yesterday I finally got to the end of it.
I shred for Britain.
Bring on the medals please.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Sentimental Old Fool that I am
Hotfoot it down to the local spa?
Indulge in some retail therapy?
Kick back relax and watch some chick flicks?
I file.
And I'm not talking fingers and toes either. No, instead of basking into my newly found freedom I launch into that unbalanced tower of paper that has amassed over months and I file it all away into various, erm, files. And it takes me two bloody hours of pure unadulterated efficiency.

"Jasmine has become so chatty about everything. She is singing and dancing all day, or laughing. She is so happy, enjoying everything we do. She is also more active and able to do more activities. Jasmine loves action songs and games in the garden."
It's such a joy to see that desperately small and vulnerable bundle of premature baby flourish into a lovely little girl.
Monday, 22 September 2008
It so works!
Hahahahahahahaha. It SO works!
Sunday, 21 September 2008
To Queue or Kew?
So we're trying to get the hell out, and guess what? We even have to queue to exit the goddam Eden Queueing Project.
Friday, 19 September 2008
Who do you know in your neighbourhood?
What I've learned is that our neighbours are mainly a jolly nice lot. Warm, considerate, welcoming, and it's lovely getting to know the names and faces of people who live around you.
The other thing I've learned is that neighbours love to talk, and talk and talk. Which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact I have 3 unadulterated hours of ME time whilst the kids are at nursery and I want to use them for ME goddammit.
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Settling Babymomma in
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Settling Felix In
Fabulous Present Time

Friends, sigh. They're Bloody Wonderful.
Monday, 15 September 2008
The Dairy is Dead. Long Live the Dairy.

Only 2 days into my holiday and grrr, had a little 'accident' which made me realise that you only need the teensiest, tiniest drop of liquid on clothes for that damp stain to appear and everyone to stare at your nips.
(p.s. not me in the pic, though obviously I could understand if you were mistaken, and not even the bra I bought either - just imagine something/someone similar but with bigger boobs).
Our holiday, in brief
I feel that Jasmine stopped being a toddler this holiday, and has really turned into a little girl. Her speech is coming along at a rate - it's now moving into full sentences, with plurals, personal pronouns, possessives and tenses - and she sounds so grown up when she says things like 'I'm feeling ok;' 'Look Daddy, I'm driving!' or, yesterday's new one, 'I don't like it' (gulp). On holiday she also rode a bike for the first time, did the washing up, went to the circus, danced at a birthday party, practically lived in her Wendy House and graduated to a proper bed. She is embracing this new stage of maturity and independence with a lot of giggly excitement and bossy charm.
Felix, quite simply, hit the handsome button this holiday. He is just getting more and more gorgeous each day. Oh yes, he also hit the loud button. One day he realised he could squeal much louder that all the pigs in Pigdom. And so he did, throwing me totally off track as now there are a whole load of new noises to mean, hungry, bored, tired, need a new nappy etc. etc. He has also started mooncrawling (trying to crawl only going backwards), sitting quite beautifully, grabbing for toys and shoving anything in his mouth with a vigour I had quite forgotten about.