Like my friend Emma. We worked together for a few years and shared a mutual obsession with our precise height which we both quoted in exactly the same way, despite the fact we don't actually look the same height at all. (We never did find a tape measure long enough, so we eventually resorted to the comparative method using book, pencil and office wall. Emma, it transpired, was a slightly shorter 5'2 and three quarters of an inch than my own 5' 2 point seven five inches but since neither of us wanted to give up having to say we were any other height than 5'2 and three quarters of an inch we declined a more scientific pursuit of the truth and agreed we were close enough in height, particularly to the short sighted, to basically call it the same.)
So it's fitting that it was Emma what saw this and thought of me. And even sent it to me in the post.
Only those of us obsessive about our own mediocre height could possibly understand how brilliant this is. And in my book, anyone who can be arsed to get up, put things in envelopes and do snail mail is extremely cool indeed. Particularly when it's snail mail to me. And when I got it I went all kiddy-excited at getting mail, as you do.
The centre section of the chart is a total baddy-trap of dictator/killer types that goes: Charles Manson, Slobodan Milosevic, Peter Sutcliffe, Silvio Berlusconi, Vladimir Putin, Benito Mussolini, Margaret Thatcher, Adolf Hitler, Myra Hindley.
Bf totally sailed above it, squaring up with Prince William, just shy of Samuel L. Jackson, but above Boris Yeltsin.
Despite falling well below the baddy-trap I still snagged height parity with Kim Jong-Il.
Not sure how I feel about being on the Axis of Evil, but hey, for a whole day Emma was my NBF, it's great post in the midst of a crappy week and made me feel less invisible in the world.
1 comment:
I gather you haven't received any other packages say from... Hong Kong then?? :(
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