S.A.D. has kicked in. Not helped by the fact I am now officially a labrat, chained 8 till 6 at a desk miles away from a window, or weather. And I have a shitty cold and a sprained ankle that keeps threatening to recover, only to let me down miserably. I'm knackered and am feeling more than a bit run down.
My silver lining is that Jambeans and Felix have been amazing today. We went and bought them Halloween outfits. We had to tell Jasmine it was a "fireworks dress" because she's adamant Halloween is all a bit too scary, and she'd rather not partake at all but simply stay home. Not that I mind this attitude, but I do wonder what they told her at nursery to make her so fearful, and I am dreading the tantrum that will ensue when she realises she has to go to school that day.
We also bought early Christmas presents, noo shooze for Felix, got them both lovely haircuts and spoiled them with cake and tea.
So I'm totally loving spoiling my kids but am going back to being a miserable snotty cow now.
New Year
9 years ago