- Felix & Jasmine squabble sometimes, particularly over toys. When Jasmine says "Felix isn't sharing" sometimes it means "Felix isn't sharing" but mainly it means "I want Felix' toy"
- We cut back on Felix' milk and he now sits at the table (though normally on a lap) and eats his meal with the rest of us. But he has to use a fork. Fingers are OUT.
(Before he would just run all around the house because he had Joy of Movement and a full up milk belly.) - Jasmine had a big snotty nose so we gave her Montelukast and then all she had was a big snotty nose that went away
- Last night bf and I had a row over me coming home late night-after-night and him having to look after the kids and make dinner and all that all by himself. And we sorted it out and found a solution, but at the time all I could think was "OMG, we've swapped gender roles" and I was totally shocked by that.
- We bought a SkyHD box and bf recorded Stepup2 for me in HD and I have been watching those dance moves over and over and over and over
- We now also listen to Jan Pehechan Ho on You Tube about 6 times a day. Jasmine does the shaky head dancing, and Felix screams "Yaaaaaaay" every time it finishes
- We are going to the Ickworth today for a night. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY
New Year
9 years ago
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