Saturday, 12 June 2010

will everyone please stop having babies?

It's making me all broody, but it also makes me feel old at the same time. But much as I'd love to have another snuggly-wuggly-oochi-coo-cutie-pie-ickle-bundle-of-fluffy-love to cuddle, I seriously do not want another baby. Or another pregnancy for that matter.

So, belatedly, I say congratulations to Ely'n'Si, Jessica'n'Steve, Mat'n'Krista, Ivan'n'Emma, Katie V, Nicki T, Lee W and James from work.

Babies rock!


fingerlessman said...


Mat Morrison said...

We are currently more-than-happy w/ Romilly (and I have a Salacious Crumb-like fascination w/ her feet.

However, this does not rule out future projects.

In the meantime, I suddenly feel part of the whole parenthood thing -- and am truly happy to join the gang.