Thursday 1st March.
Gosh, it feels like Development Day today.
Jasmine is 10 months and 3 days old today, or 8 months and 2 days, depending on which way you look at it, and weighs 7.91kg. And it's been a big day at the baby office for our little Jam-beans.
First of all, Jasmine's 3rd tooth was discovered poking through this morning. Hurrah! That could explain all the 4am wakings over the last week, and her inability to get back to sleep without screaming at the top of her lungs for about an hour whilst frantically stuffing an entire muzzie in her mouth.
We're so used to saying 'it could be teething' at every fit and tantrum, with no subsequent evidence to prove us right, that it didn't even occur to me over the last week that a tooth was coming through. My usual insecurities about not feeding her enough (obviously the Indian in me coming out) just took over and I assumed she was waking up in the middle of the night feeling hungry.
It's the top left incisor, and I knew it had arrived as breastfeeding felt a bit, um, rougher, than usual. I always said that when the top teeth came through then I would stop breastfeeding, and I had always planned to stop at about this time, but in all honesty I've been putting it off because I'm not looking forward to the crying, and protests, and rooting, and all the hassle of making up bottles morning and night. It was hard enough cutting back to twice a day. But I guess I just have to grit my teeth and get on with it. The longer I leave it, the louder she gets...
Then Jasmine decides that today is also Rollover Day. As in back-to-front rolling over. Which she has done with great skill and confidence 3 times today.
The last time about 5 minutes ago - when she rolled off our bed.
Not as bad as it could be, I suppose, as our bed is a futon and is only about 4 inches from the ground, but that definitely marks the end of something, and the beginning of something else a whole lot harder. Notwithstanding the oodles of guilt I am currently feeling for having left her unattended on a raised surface, I am at least pleased that after the initial screams she worked out by herself that she was OK and was perfectly quiet and calm when I went in to check on her and found her on the floor.
And for the first time today, the bub grabbed hold of her spoon, shoved it in her veggie puree and then stuck it in her mouth. She's done those 3 actions separately many times before, but today it was definitely with a sense of intent, rather than by accident, and as if to prove the point she did it again. It wasn't exactly a picture of grace and coordination but I was so proud.
I was also a bit proud of myself as I contentedly allowed Jazzoi to grab the hugest globs of lunch and smear/ throw/ daub/ flick/ drop them everywhere - all over her, the chair, my jeans, her clothes etc. without even a hint of panic at the mess. A few nights ago dp said that he sometimes thinks I'm a bit obsessive compulsive with my mania for order and tidiness. That worried me so I am resolved to prove to him that I can be chilled about it - if I choose. I haven't given up the idea that it is just a strategy of his to get me to let him get away with being a messy pig.
But I digress. The last (or maybe just the latest) 'first' that Jassamina did was cut back to two naps a day. Her first was for about half an hour between 11.30 and midday, then she stayed awake until 4.30pm without so much as a yelp of fatigue.
Now I'm praying that she naps for a good hour so I can finish this and have a cuppa and a relax. It's just hit me how tired I am, as it's 5pm now which means I've been up for 11 hours today already. Blimey.
New Year
9 years ago
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