It was Jessica's blog what prompted me to take it up in the first place. So I owe her a small something I'm not sure what.
Also Jessica is young and beautiful and creative and funny. Oh, and French. Which is unbearably cool. In a very strange and wistful sort of way she reminds me a little bit of me before I met the bf.
Strange because we are so incredibly different in almost every way. And of course, I am most certainly not French, nor cool. But despite all that I can still see a similarity in spirit.
Wistful because she reminds me of what great fun it was being a 20-something. Sigh.
Jessica is the lady who takes the cool photos of Bam-jeans, including this one, my absolute favourite.
Here she is with Krusty (her bf's nickname, after the Simpson's character). Krusty is one of my bf's best mates. They were at uni together and living the bachelor life in London Bridge when I met them.

Blog envy? Are you kidding? You've managed to outblog me in the space of a few weeks!
And as to the rest, bf, baby, house, garden, car, job, talent...need I go on?
"bf, baby, house, garden, car, job, talent"
hmmm - the trappings of middle class surburban living are not exactly what i would call aspirational. and have you seen the wreck of a house/ garden/ car we have recently? but the baby thing i would recommend. and for the talent comment, well you get a nice link back to your blog for that little missy...
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