Wednesday, 10 January 2007

My new babymomma blog

I've been a blogger for 1 meagre day and am already feeling ambivalent about the, well, teenage-ness of it all. I'm 33 for chrissake and haven't written a diary since i was 15 and miserable. well, it seems the self-doubt is still there so maybe this will work out.

And I'm not miserable now, just forgetful. My reasons for starting this are that here are some things about my life right now I don't want to forget. I already feel like I've started 8 1/2 months too late because that's when the beautiful Jasmine (aka Jazzie aka Jazz-fried aka Jazzoi aka princess jasmine aka chicken aka Bubblicious aka Splubble bub of bub-fried aka ad nauseam) was born and I just want to capture every moment before it disappears...

But most importantly, make notes. Because that's what I like to do. But also because we hope there's going to be a second one day and my notes will come in damn handy.

So lets hope this bloody well works, having just spurned 20six cos their image upload function doesn't work.

This is what I wrote yesterday:

"Horrendous day today.

Day 4 at nursery. Jasmine did 6 hours, pretty good going, but the lower lip was wobbling madly (hers, not mine) when I picked her up, and this evening she just would not settle down for a nap, opting instead to scream.

And scream.

And scream.

Also went back to work for a planning meeting ahead of the dreaded return. Nothing seemed to have changed - good, in that my comfort zone is still there - but we spent a couple of hours going over familiar territory - same issues, same questions with impossible answers, same personalities saying the same thing yadda yadda. All making me feel very ambivalent about my new role, and whether I will be able to make a positive difference. Especially only doing 3 days/week.

Anyway - got to put the peas on. And then come back and work out how to make this thing look pretty."

Which obviously didn't work as I defected to blogger today.

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