Sunday, 21 January 2007

The mighty Arsenal

Jazzie has a stinky cold, and woke up and cried for 90 minutes last night.

since we've only just got her to sleep through using the vilified 'leave her to cry' technique, debated for about 20 mins about whether to go to her or not. finally gave in to my instinct and went to her. when i did felt v guilty for having left her for so long - she was pretty frantic and she was crying loads - huge tears were rolling down her face, and snot was poring out of her nose (and mainly into her mouth) but she was still trying to put a brave face on things.

bf and i shoved some calpol down her gullet, most of which she spat out, but thought it might help calm her down. it didn't.

most of day i have done diddly squat but mainly watched telly from the sofa feeling like a fat-biffer-potato-veggie-type-thingy. next week we will all be well again and can go back to the telly-only-on-certain-days rule.

watched the mighty arsenal win 2-1 to man u at home today in a fan-bloody-tastic match but bf did get over-excited again and scare Jazzie half to death with his goal celebrations. there was the goal, then the shout, then the silence, then she wailed in terror. bf said it reminded him of boo in monsters inc - the bit when she sees sully do his scary face and gets frightened. i was fuming but she recovered ok and got a big i'm sorry cuddle from her daddy. lucky girl - being a baby certainly has its perks.

in to work tomorrow :-( i've been trying not to think about it.

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