Wednesday, 17 January 2007


I'm worried Jazzie may turn out to be a bumshuffler, despite us being model parents and putting her on her tummy every day since she came home from hospital.

Over the last few months she's been developing the art of the crab (like this only with her head, neck and arms on the floor) and is using this to locomote herself. Basically she lies on her back, pushes her feet onto the floor and, arching upwards, lifts her bottom and chest up as far as they will go. Then she lowers her bottom a little bit further up than where it started and shuffles upwards. She loves it and does it pretty much every time we lay her down.

I want her to go back to rolling over from front to back, which she hasn't done for about 3 months, and to learn how to roll over from back to front and to play the piano to concert level and to be a mountaineer and know calculus and to beat Tiger Woods at golf and run her own company and competitive mum competitive mum competitive mum.

She's really loves standing up (supported by her hands) and her sitting gets better every day. She only sits unsupported for about a minute or so but it is tres amusing to watch her body and head go all wibbly wobbly as she tries to control her balance.

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