the cake bit was fine. the icing was a total disaster. we were so bad bf said we were worse than the losing team in the generation game.
either the goddess nigella pulled that celebrity chef lie on us, by making it sound oh soooo eeeeaaaasy (in the book she glosses through the icing part with a mere "i just use the back of a spoon and smooth it on") or we mere baking mortals have somehow made her very angry.
dear goddess - please spare us your wrath for the party next week. we will accept any punishment as long as it involves eating chocolate in a suggestive manner.
OMFG WTF? You're a mommyblogger?
yeah. i am. i figured i could pour forth a number of futuregazing essays on consumers and the web but, well, i just didn't feel motivated enough. this is far easier and the photos are better too.
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