After another fail in energy and motivation (= can't be arsed) we've renewed efforts again. This time we've taken a new tack. Instead of asking Jambeans if she wants to sit on the potty, as they do at nursery, we've been letting her run around at home either bare bottomed or with just pants on.
Inevitably, it means accidents will happen and I expect to be called upon to scrub wee or poo off various bits of furniture, carpet and clothes at the most inopportune moments, but the one and only time it's happened so far she was ill and had diarrhoea and I reckon if I can deal with that I can deal with anything, so it's OK.
So yesterday we were rewarded with one wee (really, about one eighth of a wee, the remaining seven eighths in a trail on the carpet leading up to the potty as we ran to get there in time) and 10 minutes later a whole poo in the potty. Her first potty wee for Mummy and Daddy and her first potty poo fullstop.
I ought to feel jubilant, I think. But the act of taking a poo-laden potty upstairs, depositing the offending item in the toilet bowl and cleaning the potty out made me feel very very very very very old indeed. And we've only just started...
New Year
9 years ago
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