Saturday, 20 March 2010

In which mummy is totally rumbled

This morning as I surveyed the dustbin that is our home, I gathered up every last bit of kiddy artwork I could find and disposed of it without so much as an afterthought.

This afternoon though, as I was in a flu coma on the sofa Jasmine entered the living room clutching a piece of crumpled artwork close to her bosom and said in a very solemn and challenging tone (think Mrs. Harbord from Ladette to Lady):

I felt like a naughty schoolgirl. And the fact she didn't accuse me directly made it worse. I grovelled an apology, promised never to throw anything of hers away again without asking, and eventually (reluctantly) she let me give her a kiss to say sorry. Babymomma is off the hook. Until the next time...

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