Saturday, 27 March 2010

In which a weekend is full of hope and possibility...

So last Sunday was the bf's birthday, which we celebrated by going to Benihana in Swiss Cottage. Totally hot, totally bonkers. But last weekend was also flu weekend, and the weekend bf worked on a Saturday (groan). He came home mid-afternoon and as if to defy our acheing and ailing bodies we bundled everyone to Brent Cross. Big Mistake. It was heaving. We were sick. Nuff said.

This week though, we have turned a corner. I took Monday off sick to recover, and also to witness the bf do the Most Sensational Spring Clean In The World Ever. (How seriously cool is that? I'm still numb with the knowledge that I am possibly the luckiest woman in the world.) And we've both survived a seriously tough week at work.

So now we have reclaimed our house from the builders - tho' obviously they still haven't finished the snag list yet - we are ready to move the kids in to their new bedrooms this weekend. And we are both well. And it's going to be a lovely spring day. Huzzah!

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