Apparently the important thing to look for is whether she gets better in between illnesses, which Jambeans certainly does. These little words of GP wisdom helped. I feel less guilty for not taking Jambeans to the doctor every time she gets sick, but for waiting for her to ride it out.
The GP also sympathised with how wearing it is for a parent to care for a child who is ill so frequently, demonstrating to me that medics are actually human beings too. I asked for a referral letter to Jambeans' peadiatrician anyway. He's very good, and I think a visit to him, if only just to chat, may help the bf stop worriyng about Jambeans which in turn may help me stop worrying about the bf worrying.
It's tough when she's not well - it's tiring and we get scratchy with each other. We talked about it last night. I said "we always seem to argue when Jasmine is ill." He turned to me and said simply "Because it's stressful." Never a truer word...
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