But then, Ely, aka my Fairy Godmother cum Guardian Angel cum Bestest Friend in the Whole Wide World descended on our house in a puff of magic dust with Pippa and Zoe (who is possibly The Loveliest Smiliest Warmest Happiest Child In The Whole Wide World) and of course Ted the Dog, and they totally cheered me up.
They stayed for a couple of nights. Daytimes have been filled with toys and stories and playing and farm trips and cups of tea and gossiping. At night time Jambeans slept in our bed and was an absolute angel. Felix continues to drink quite contentedly from a bottle and is also sleeping through again.
I adore spending time with Ely. It's always bathed in a calm glow of warmth and familiarity. There is also something incredibly touching about spending time with your childhood friends and then seeing your children play together a generation on.
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