Felix had been alternating the night time screamfests but then we had 3 in a row - lasting for over 3 hours each. Horrendous. The parents of super-compliant-sleep-anywhere-sleep-anytime kids will just never, never ever understand what we're going through on a nightly basis. I keep harking back in desperation to the pre-bragging days when he would pop down like a dream. That was only a few weeks ago. I'm going to be a zombie wreck by the end of this week if it continues.
It's clear that whatever tactics bf and I have been using have failed to achieve anything. The idea is to (a) get him to calm down (b) get him to shut the eff up (c) reassure him his parents are still there (d) but not get him dependent on our presence, cuddles or physical contact for any of the above. After about 3 hours of trying to settle him my resolve breaks and I normally give in and cuddle or co-sleep.
So we came up with a plan yesterday - consulted all the books yadda yadda - and it basically means sleep training again, though this time it's going to be much, much tougher. Marine boot camp tough, as opposed to kids from Fame.
New Year
9 years ago
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