Saturday, 5 January 2008

So that's what a Braxton Hicks is

32+5 weeks

I've decided that the aforementioned 'slow turns' are actually Braxton Hicks, which my trusty pregnancy book advises me can occur as early as the 20th week and are particularly noticeable in second pregnancies. I've been a bit paranoid today as I feel them about once an hour but I can't always tell a BH from the baby kicking. Bf says to time them and if they come regularly (but how regular is regularly?) then maybe they're not Braxtons but actual contractions. The thought is too anxiety-making to bear so I'm going to stick my head in the sand and ignore that particular thought. I don't feel like I'm in labour, so I don't reckon I am, and I'm resolved not to worry about it.

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