Yesterday was the worst so far - he was seriously upset and crying so insistently I thought I might have to take him to the doctor's. But if I picked him up he seemed to calm down, only to kick off again when armache kicked in, or Jambeans need some attensh and I put him down. Then I'd get a bit unsure and go through the drill - is he hungry? does he need burping? is he full? does he want a new nappy? is he tired? etc. etc. and the answer always seemed to be yes to all of the above so I spent the whole day alternating between carrying him, feeding him, jiggling him, changing him, mopping up his sick (changing many t-shirts, and i've already been through two so far today), getting him to sleep and yet he kept crying. Unrewarding and tiring work, especially as Jambeans started to feel left out and would start whining at just the wrong time.
But then at 5pm he had a huge squealing/ screaming session (totally confusing as squealing is his happy noise and screaming means the opposite) finally did a 6-day poo followed by another big squealing sesh - no screaming thankfully; a little bit of milk, then the world's biggest burp right in my ear before conking out for a nap. (Typical boy, I thought.)
After that, aaaaah, all calm and coos and smiles and giggles. So I thought that was that. But then today - same again. Total moaning and crying fits interspersed with vomiting, fussing at the breast and then sleep. It's frustrating because I genuinely have NO idea what is going on but I suppose I'm not too worried. At least I'm not too worried when he's asleep.
But in between it all the darlings managed to pose for this gorgeous photo. I look at it and melt and it makes it all worthwhile.
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