Thursday 11 December 2008

the boy is back

After 5 weeks of anxiety and stress and snot and diarrhoea, Felix is definitely back.

Ignoring the deep permacrust of snot around his nose, he's back to his usual, bouncy, smily, energetic self. So, for the last few days he's been busy cruising for bricks, throwing books off the bookshelf (including dictionaries and encyclopaedias, though he's not managed to dislodge the medical reference breeze blocks quite yet) and playing 'putting things on a surface, and taking them off again, ' as well as 'coming over for a look and grab.' Wrestling matches at the changing mat are back on the agenda, but on the helpful side he's getting the hang of pushing his arms through sleeves. He's also (finally) getting into finger food, leaving me totally lost for inspiration beyond the inevitable - toast, rice cakes, soft carrots and broccoli spears.

But best of all, what has returned again with full force is the happiness - that deep, intense feeling of love and discovery as I watch, and help my little boy grow up.

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