Friday, 27 June 2008

Fingers crossed for next week

In 90 minutes time we're going to leave for a week's holiday in the lakes with some uni friends of the bf. Fingers crossed it will be a watershed moment and we can leave this horrible, horrible week behind us. Felix rejected the bottle again last night, plunging me further into despair over my lack of freedom, and I couldn't sleep even when I had the opportunity. Today I am so tired I have been dry-wretching in the toilet bowl.

That said, it hasn't been a total nightmare. Despite the exhaustion had a lovely day on Wednesday when I went to work to introduce Felix to the lay-deez. Oh yes, and hand my notice in! (I have a new job which I start in October - 3 months' time - but more on that later...) And yesterday my lovely sis came to see me, and after the obligatory shouting match for the first hour we kissed and made up and then had a spankingly lovely day.

Can you believe it has taken me a whole day to pack for just 1 weeks' holiday? The scariest thing is my stuff fits into one small rucksack, but the car is jampacked full of all the kid stuff we seem to "need" these days.

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Rollover Felix

Amidst all the horrible-ness we did find time to stop and appluad as we witnessed Felix roll over from tummy to back for the first time yesterday. Yaaaaaay. He's definitely done it before (the first time being off the futon...whoops) but now we have first-hand proof.

Clever baby.

I wonder if I'm going to get all obsessive about him rolling over from back to front like I did with Jambeans?


What a horrible few days we've all had. Bf on call over weekend; Jambeans sick for 3 days; mum and dad up all night Florence Nightingaling; pooter death scream and then Total Pooter Death; ill-timed shopping trip to buy shoes with wheezy, feverish child in tow... the list goes on. Yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk.

A typical babymomma dilemma

When the kiddiwinkles are scrumbly and having a wobbly is it better that they do it at the same time, so the total wobbly duration is shorter and hopefully they are both exhausted at the same time later and babymomma gets a much longed for and deserved break; or is it better that they take turns - which might mean wobblies are being thrown for a longer amount of time but at least babymomma feels she can deal with each more effectively?

Tommy Lee Jones attitude

One of my favourite film moments is in the remake of The Fugitive. The rozzers (or cops, really) are sneaking round a house where some of the fugitive murderer bad guys are hiding out. One of the baddies grabs hold of the sidekick cop, holds a gun to his head and starts hollering to be let free or the cop gets it. Tommy Lee Jones, being the cool sharp-shooting police dude that he is takes out the baddie in a flash. The sidekick later protests that he could have been killed, and that TLJ could have negotiated. TLJ just whispers coolly in his colleague's ear "I don't negotiate."

It is this detached, unrelenting mindset that I try to emulate as I engage the anti-tantrum shield, stop any attempt to reason with the toddler, and decide that she either eats the food she asked me to cook her, with the fork she asked me for, from the bowl she decided she wanted and then goes to bed OR she can scream until snot comes out of her eyes and then go to bed hungry.

Friday, 20 June 2008

Just testing this thingy

Just testing to see if this email post thingy works...

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.

Washing machine malfunction

Rogue duster enters machine - everything's come out bright yellow. What do they use to dye the duster, tartrazine?

Iggle Piggle tears

Following on from our musings on Jammie's In the Night Garden experience. It transpires she is most definitely not alone, as this poppablog and musings on whether Iggle Piggle is the last member of a dead race testifies to.

Jammie's Auntie Tina, on the other hand, describes the Night Garden as "Teletubbies on acid". For my part, I'm just worried we're gonna have to go out and buy a whole load more shit to replace the tubbies stuff to which Jasmine has become addicted.

On a book roll

I've just finished
The Good Husband of Zebra Drive.
Call me sentimental but I simply love the No. 1 Ladies Detective Series - reading the books is like drinking soup: heartwarming, simple, comforting.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

In the night garden (entry #1 by the bf)

Jambeans is showing her sensitive side. She has just started watching 'In the night garden'-makes a change from the 'tubbies... At the end of each episode, as the Night Garden fades into the stars and Iggle Piggle floats away in his boat, she starts welling up with tears, and then sobs. We have no idea what this she crying because the programme has ended, and she now has to go upstairs and brush her teeth? But she never cries at the end of the 'tubbies... Or does she find it poignant somehow? It's certainly poignant for us watching her brim up with tears like that...

Right now...

...jambeans is scrubbing the deck with a tea towel

Teething is upon us

Felix has definitely started teething - which will rapidly become the catch all explanation for every scrumble fit he has from now for the next 12 or so months. He's been doing about 2-3 teething poos a day - smelly, gooey, lumpy and mustardy - he wakes often at night and is impossible to settle in the evening, crying till about half eight or nine at night. Bf and I have been taking turns to work through the various remedies to the crying: Bonjela, which lasts for about 10 minutes but can only be administered every 3 hours; cuddling (=armache); feeding - often doesn't work because he's either not hungry, or is hungry but is in pain and can't eat comfortably; burping and ultimately Calpol, by which time he's exhausted, we're exhausted and ready to let him cry himself to sleep.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Hurrah! I've finished a book

I've finally finished a book! Feels like a real achievement. Not only that, but it's also an insightful and thought-provoking book, (The Islamist by Ed Husain - see reviews here and here) as opposed to a piece of airport pap that I often succumb to. So, by proxy, that makes me a More Interesting Person.

A good start

So, Felix screamed his lungs out (and pretty much every other vital organ in his body) for a grand total of 39 minutes yesterday, then all was eerily silent. The relief was palpable, but the guilt carried on for at least until the end of the football. Then bf fed him, then he rewarded us by not waking till 6am when he did a poo, so now he is calm and happy, as is his babymomma ;-)

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

17 minutes and he's still screaming

It's heartbreaking. What do we do? Go and cuddle him? What if that makes him more angry? Feed him to sleep? Surely that can't help break the vicious cycle? I feel like an evil Gina Ford bitch.

Listening to my baby scream

Felix won't go to sleep. He's currently screaming blue murder upstairs - the doors are shut, music is on, but the noise is still inescapable - and I'm sitting here wired and silently willing him to be calm but also absolutely determined NOT to feed him because I'm totally knackered and the last thing I want to do is chain myself to him any more today.

The question is, how long can we leave him to scream the neighbourhood down? It's been 9 minutes already but feels like a lifetime.

Lack of bottle

Today I've found myself dwelling and worrying impatiently about Felix' bottle rejection. Since total bottle meltdown a few weeks ago, bf has succesfully reinstated late night feedings, basically by shoving the teat in the bub's mouth when he is half asleep and not overly hungry. We also upped the flow rate of the teat which seems to have gone down well, so I've been feeling OK and relaxed and optimistic that weaning onto a bottle will be just dandy... until last night when I tried giving Felix some bottle milk when I was tired and my boobs weren't very full and when he wouldn't settle only be treated to a firm NO.

Ho hum.

Babymomma shows a distinct lack of grit

It had to happen some time, Felix was up 5 times last night. Either he's hungry and getting ready for solids, or teething which is making him eat little and often, but the end result is the same - one very tired and frazzled babymomma.

To add insult to injury it was his 4 month jabs today, so he had to have 3 injections and my god did he cry and wobble his little lip like mad - which I found tres upsetting despite all my efforts to stay level-headed about it all. Felix was crying so much, and I felt so sorry for him that tears started leaking out of the sides of my eyes. At least it was graceful, ladylike crying, rather than the full-on, red-cheeked, snotty-nosed, puffy-eyed, ugly-faced blubbing variety, but it was crying in public nevertheless, i.e. a Sign of Weakness, and it was only half ten in the morning.

Still, fingers crossed I make it through the day.

Monday, 16 June 2008

How could I have forgotten the Fairy Cakes?

Speaking of Fairy Lakes, that reminds me, I did more baking last week. I don't know what this fetish is about, photographing my humble triumphs in the baking department and then trumpeting about them on the blog, but I simply have to let my huuuge audience of 2.5 people out there see the Fairy Cakes I made, complete with pink and yellow icing and dolly mixture decorations.

Ta Daaaaaaaa

An oasis of peace and happiness

Using Father's Day as an excuse to escape we disappeared off to the Ickworth Hotel (where we went last year for Jasmine's first birthday) and from the moment we arrived it felt like a homecoming - warm, relaxing, invigorating. They have the most idyllic and beautiful pond I have ever seen, aptly called "Fairy Lake." As the bf says "it's one of my new favourite places in the world."

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Up down up down up down

My mood has been yo-yoing from one extreme to the other so much recently it's getting boring. I'm feeling totally out of control. And yet, the bubs continue to thrive...

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Felix is a-changing

Just when you thought you got the measure of a bub, then whoosh, they go and grow up some and do things all different like. ok, enough of the crap language but i might dispense with caps as i'm doing this all one-handed and it's ve-ry-slo-ow. the effly beans has started getting chatty, and mainly emits these long, loud caterwaul type shrieks which are difficult to describe in words but are very funny and charming. and he's also started to chew his hands and fingers a lot more, and suck on the ball of my hand (is it the ball? or the heel? anyway, it's the fleshy bit of the palm just below the thumb) and he grabs, grabs, grabs at mussies and sheets and clothing but most of all at my hair which he often pulls out but unfortunately he only ever gets the long healthy black hair and i'm worried that it's going to reduce the black to white ratio beyond the point of acceptable.

Monday, 9 June 2008

The frightening prospect of a short leash

My worst nightmare came true as Felix rejected the bottle 3 days ago. Didn't realise how much I had come to rely on him feeding from a bottle for my sense of freedom - it affords me the opportunity for a few hours respite from kids if I need to take it. As soon as that was gone I crashed emotionally. Painful memories of months of anxiety, misery and depression during Jasmine's bubtime bottle refusal/ cup rejection/ total weaning nightmare came flooding back together with feelings of resentment towards Felix - not nice. Spent most of the last 3 days forcing myself to stay calm and be positive then breaking down in floods of tears when it didn't work.

Bf tried the feeding him when he's half asleep trick last night and thankfully he drank without much ado. Early days but it's still a huge weight off my shoulders.

Auction High

I love the sight of "You've won the eBay item..." in the morning

Crap telly

I've broken my book diet and found myself compulsively watching Runs House and reruns of My Super Sweet 16 on MTV - the TV equivalent of Pot Noodle.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Slightly concerning

I have nothing to say. It's been a long, tiring, sunny day but a happy one with family and friends around. But the result of my cheerfulness is I have nothing to say. Nada. Zip. Zero. Niente. Zilch. Hmmmm...

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Oh dear

I've become an eBay whore

About Felix

  • Born 10.47am on 18th February 2008 by elective C-section aaaahhh how nice to be organised about it all
  • Hobbies: eating, sleeping, weeing, pooing, gurgling, being a cool little baby brother, looking cute
  • Like his sister Jambeans, has a number of spilgy nicknames, such as Scrumble Minor and the Little BM (Boy Man) but mainly we call him The F-Beans
  • Is ridiculously wiggly and giggly and smiley and tickly. Ooh doesn't he just love being tickled all over!
  • Is a way calm baby. Even calmer than Jambeans if that's possible.
  • Second baby, first son - hence ridiculously loved and doted on by his silly parents and spoiled rotten by his grandmas. Even Jambeans has taken to stroking and cuddling him like a puppy.
  • Did I mention how cute he looks?

Monday, 2 June 2008

the healing power of friends and chocolate

----- Original Message ----
From: Nicki
To: Babymomma
Sent: Monday, 2 June, 2008 1:57:46 PM
Subject: RE: Thursday night

sorry to hear you can't make it - I was really looking forward to seeing you! Anything new to report from your end?

-----Original Message-----
From: Babymomma
To: Nicki
Sent: 02 June 2008 14:15
Subject: Re: Thursday night

no new news from my end other than i've had the shitest week from shite-land as jasmine was ill last week and...(moaning deleted)...right now felix is crying and i don't know why and he has been crying pretty much all day...(moaning deleted)...and i am DESPERATE for a nap and a wee break but...(more moaning deleted) i'm feeling bored and teary and pissed off but i'm sure i'll get over it. we're going to the lakes in the first week of july which will be ok i guess but i'm dreading the journey up there as...(moaning deleted). bf is off to edinburgh tomorrow for 5 days and oddly i'm looking forward to having a bit of time away from him so i guess we could both do with a chance to recharge batteries away from each other but it does mean...(moaning and whingeing deleted)...i'm not really overjoyed at that prospect either but and hang on, felix has stopped crying and i've just checked and THANK GOD he is finally asleep so i'm going to love and leave you and go sit on the sofa and demolish a packet of chocolate biscuits which i am sure will make me feel better instantly. xxxx

----- Original Message ----
From: Nicki
To: Babymomma
Sent: Monday, 2 June, 2008 2:24:17 PM
Subject: RE: Thursday night

have chocolate biscuits AND ice-cream xxxxxx

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Feel like i'm vanishing

Things had been trundling along very happily then bang - total shocker of a week. Jambeans got knocked sideways by another virus, only days after getting over a previous one - so for 3 nights she was up and crying and then in our bed in the small hours whilst we dosed her up on Calpol and Calprofen and Karvol and Tixylix and so on. She's got into the habit of snuggling up as close to me as possible and land-grabs any spare bed quite impressively so yet again I find myself "sleeping" on the far edge whilst she takes up more than half of our Superking - quite impressive for a sick 2 year old. She'd normally settle down by about 3am, but the second half of the night is when I need to get up and attend to Scrumble Minor. I pulled a muscle in my shoulder 2 weeks ago and it still hasn't mended fully so the night time feedings are painful as well as exhausting. Then we sprang leaks so I've been trying to get those sorted out. It hasn't helped.

Jambeans' recovery has been slow. For the last couple of nights she's been sleeping through in her own cot but getting her to go to bed in the first place has been a real nightmare and can take a good couple of hours of Jo Frost type behaviour. It's also like the 2 scrumbles have worked out some evil plan between them to either take turns to scream all evening, or do it simultaneously at top volume when we're feeling dead and hungry and desperate.

As a result I've been a total wreck for the last 3 or 4 days - angry, snappy, resentful, just can't function at all - can't remember what I did 5 minutes ago, can't speak properly, search for the most basic words, find myself staring vacantly into space, nod off at ridiculous moments, like in the shower or when I'm walking. Each day I've felt like my thread had snapped and it couldn't get any worse and that the next day would be better only to wake up having to do the same again on less sleep. There have been tears aplenty.

But it's beginning to feel worse than just a week's blip. Something Ely said on Thursday about only just beginning to feel like herself again after 4 plus years of being a mummy (ie twice as long as me) really struck home. It made me realise something that I have been feeling for a while, which is that I seem to have vanished completely. All that's left of me is a housewife and babymomma in a lumpy body. I haven't had any me time for so long it's making me depressed and angry and resentful.

All I do these days is feed kids and clothe kids and entertain kids and stop tantrums and crying fits and change nappies and express milk and lug buggies and load dishwashers and hang clothes and wipe spills and do the shopping and put bins out then go back to the beginning and do it all again only this time with moaning and the following time with tears. AND I smell of baby sick permanently. I don't think this about going back to work either, because that just entails me giving up another part of myself to the Powers That Be at work. I just need some space alone.

If someone offered right now I'd probably sell my children for the opportunity to have a weekend off and go swimming and skiing and sailing and read books and have a massage and a manicure and a pedicure and maybe a facial too and browse for clothes and get my hair cut and watch a film and have lunch somewhere dead swanky, preferably with someone like Morrison or La Gitane, and sleep in the afternoon and read a newspaper and play 80s music really LOUD and have a boat trip and then go dancing, all without my boobs exploding or even leaking just a little bit and without having to answer to children or grandparents or boyfriends or sisters or babymomma friends or anyone.

I'm totally fed up. I don't do anything. I don't think anything. I don't have energy. I don't have time. I don't have a life. I don't exist.

Okay, so I do exist really. And I know I'm just having a BIG moan. And what I'm feeling is so not new it's embarrassing. And now I see it in print I realise I'm being quite pathetic really.

So I think I'm just gonna ignore this all and belt up.