Sunday 29 April 2007

Jasmine is 1

On April 27th Jasmine turned one, and her birthday was perfect in every way.

We spoiled ourselves with 1 night in a 5 star hotel in absolute luxury at the Ickworth Hotel in Suffolk. It was so worth it. The sun was out and the estate and parklands are stunning - they really set the scene for a great day. Jasmine was on fab form, and laughed and smiled her way throughout.

We did do that reminiscing thing, where we kept going, "this time last year, I was going to the hospital/ screaming for painkillers/ telling Mum the baby was on its way/ in theatre/ looking at Jasmine for the first time." With Jam-beans being premature, it was a really traumatic day that reliving various bits of it were inevitable I guess. Her being early has also coloured our entire first year with her - I just can't believe what a healthy, happy little girl she has turned out to be. I'm so lucky to be able to say that.

We packed it all in. We went for a long walk, fed some mad ducks, did the stately home tour, had a swim and a bike ride (since I don't even know how to ride a bike I'm using the word "we" very liberally here), went on the swings and slide, had birthday cake complete with bad singing and with that all important candle (daddy blew it out on Jasmine's behalf, then ate most of the cake on her behalf too), and took loads and loads of photos.

1 comment:

The rat and the monkey said...

She is soooooooo beautiful...what a dream.
Happy birthday Jasmine!