Monday started to get Crappy when I arrived at Paddington sooper early to get my Swindon train sooper early and do loads of work before my meeting, but at the ticket machine I realised I had left my purse at home... And then I realised my work mobi had one bar of juice left...
Thankfully it was enough to look up Sam's number, call her from my personal mobi and ask her to pay for my ticket when she arrived in an hours' time (so it could have been worse) but by the time she got there and all the trains were delayed anyway a Crappy Mood had descended and our meeting was pretty Crappy and that pretty much set the tone for the rest of Crappy Monday.
Things like that just make being a working, part-time, flexi-time mum that bit harder as I spent most of the day trying to catch up with all the work I couldn't do while waiting purse-less, ticket-less, coffee-less and breakfast-less at the train station.
Loads of (well, One, really) other Crappy things happened that made me feel like I didn't have the freedom to make decent decisions but had to pander to the Crappy politics and bend Crappily to other people's will.
I still feel frustrated at it all, and now need to focus very hard on not waking up in the middle of the night to mull it all over senselessly when I should be sleeping.
and Bugger.
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