Saturday 7th April - Easter weekend
- so into it:
- chewing the tops off broccoli heads "no way are these vegetables"
- eating raisins like no other food exists "yummy yummy"
- drinking milk or water from a cup "but only occasionally mind you"
- waving hello
- picking up super small things with my finger and thumb
- flirting with grown-ups on the tube "you grown ups - you're so easy!"
- sleeping thru' 12 hours
- chilling on a rug in the garden
- so over it:
- toast "it's easy, it's quick - where's the challenge in that?"
- breastfeeding "so for babies"
- sitting still "because there's so much to explore"
- daddy being on call for the whole of Easter "Borrrring"
- Snot Rivers "Joan's evil cousin has laid siege to my nose"
- being last in the pecking order after mummy and daddy for Heat magazine
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