Saturday 8 December 2007

Jambeans steps it up a gear

OMG have we all been sick or what? We did the mammoth trek down to the West Country where Uncle Mary and Auntie Leon were hosting LEH Christmas this year. They hired out a huuuuge B&B in 't country for all of us with loads of bedrooms for everyone - so it was a bit like being on campus at uni but all grown up and with a bunch of kids. Had a giggle, ate too much and laughed loads etc. etc. Early doors next day for the huge trek home when all of a sudden, bleuuuughhh, vomiting at the first stop, then bleeeuuugghghh, vomiting at the second stop, and bleeeuuuuggghhh, vomiting in the front garden (yes - again - but i am beginning to think regular doses of my chunder is what is making our pampas grow to enormous proportions, and no, we are not swingers, and no, when we bought it i had NO IDEA pampas grass outside your house was a sign that you were.)

Jambeans, by this time, had developed the usual snot, fever and chest wheezing symptoms of a nasty virus. So we all flaked out on our bed, when at 1am the boyfried, who is NEVER ill, got a temperature... so there we stayed for the whole of the next day, and pretty much the day after that too. I went back to work on Wednesday, but flaked out halfway through and had to come home I was so wiped out.

But we're all fine again now, including the mammoth bump i am hefting about the place. Yaaaay. And Jambeans is on super naughty form. Favourite games at the moment are:

  • turning the oven on
  • taking things out of the kitchen bin to play with
  • shredding tissue paper
  • throwing anything
  • climbing anything, especially if it is precarious
  • switching the PC off
  • being territorial about toys
  • refusing to eat fruit, veg, bread, cheese etc. and making us think she's not hungry, then happily wolfing down anything sugary or chocolatey
she's a proper toddler now. sigh. i am so proud ;-)

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