Friday 11 December 2009

How could I forget about the terrible twos?

Last weekend Felix flipped a switch. And not in a good way.

First of all, we are convinced his molars are beginning to come through, and whilst we can't see any evidence of enamel rupturing through gum yet, that's the only reasonable explanation we have for his inconsolable tantrums.

That, and the famed "terrible twos." What we understand now, but didn't quite grasp last weekend, was that Felix is frustrated. He can't express himself. He can't assert his independence. He's always being told what to do. He's learning it's a tough little world out there. So he coped by, erm, banging his head against the floor; banging his head against my chest, banging his head against my jaw; banging his head against my head; repeat over for Daddy; ad infinitum.

It was terribly distressing but we've done all the positive parenting things like giving him choices, and letting him do things his way and on his own and all that. Thankfully we're all fine now and he's a happy smiley boy again.

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