I've been getting a bit paranoid recently about veggie rejection. At home and nursery Jazzie is showing a definite preference for sweet porridge, and has refused a few meals of lovingly-prepared veggie sludge, so I keep suspecting full blown refusal is going to happen soon - probably because stubborn rejection (bottles, cup etc. etc.) is a firm favourite of hers. Every time she turns down a spoonful (accompanied by much raspberry-blowing in protest) I feel a slight 'ohno' twinge, though so far it seems that she simply hasn't been hungry for more at the time.
trusty parenting book says that eating finger foods is another one of those things that when it happens, comes along very quickly, so there's not much need to worry as it will expand the repertoire of taste and texture that Jazzie will like, so in the spirit of being prepared, I've been thinking about what my plans B, C and D could be.
I'm praying for a lot more time though as so far Jazzie still can't get past the idea that a rice cracker is a toy.
Jazzie's friends Ben,
Caroline's little boy, and Noah from baby yoga are both eating more solid food so I am getting plenty of tips. Noah, apparently, likes scrambled egg, prefers pizza crust to bread but still can't quite get his head around chunks of banana. Ben loves banana and apple-flavoured rice cakes but not plain ones.
Saw Caroline today, who is still blooming with bun number 2 slowly cooking. We went to one of those kids play activity centres in Wood Green. To be honest, Jazzie is still a bit young to take full advantage but she liked seeing her boyfriend, and going somewhere different and watching all the other kids play. I, on the other hand, had a great time - probably better than the bub did. We got there really early, and no one else was there so I had a quick play in the big activity gym.
It was
brilliant. There were lots of different levels to climb up, and little lookouts, and nets to peep through, and one of those big mangle-type things where you squeeze your body between two squidgy rollers to get to the next section, and right at the end was one of those wavy slides from the top level to the ground, and my bum didn't get stuck (thank god) and I went down super fast and even took off over the bumps and got a bit scared that I wouldn't slow down in time when I got to the bottom but it was Ok and I jumped up with my arms in the air going this is
brilliiiaaannnnt, again again AGAIN. On the slide I even managed to scrape a whole load of skin off my elbow which will turn into a lovely scab I can pick. The ladies who ran the place were in hysterics. Then Ali had a sneaky go too, but we had to stop after that bc lots of other grown ups arrived with their kiddywinks.