Thursday 31 May 2007

crossing the threshold

jambeans crawled into the hall by herself today. she was looking for me - crawled quite confidently down the hall, but then got hesitant just before the dining room and stopped for a bit of a think.
ooh she's just adorable

she thought i wasn't looking, but i was peeking from the stairs. hee hee.

she's been on great from today, despite the cough and snot. we went to muzzie hill for brunch with caroline and ben and we both bought a hilarious book called "who's in the loo?" for our respective bubs. i also managed to pick up some i-saw-you-coming-bag-and-necklace-type-stuff that i don't really need, but i don't feel guilty at all. ha ha.

1 comment:

liney said...

Just got to say that the 'who's in the loo?' book is fantastic my six year old neice (also a Jasmine) read it to Benjamin and she was rolling around laughing so much she almost rolled out of bed!!!
Lovely to see you two and you are so right haven't we all come such a long way....
Mwah xCx