Friday 1 June 2007

we've come a long way baby

found this email i wrote to the other babymommas when jambeans was 5 mths corrected. forgot how painful the learning curve was. hell, i might even pass for an experienced babymomma now.
ok i'm going to type this really really fast as i probably only have another 5 mins before the baby j wakes up & starts screaming again. she got a cold on monday, and was a bit grumpy and snuffly at the beginning of the week but yesterday she hit the "had enough" button and started screaming. and i mean proper screaming - like she's convinced i'm putting poison in the breast milk screaming. and she pretty much hasn't stopped since. i got so worried i even called nhs direct, but by the time i left my details and a nurse called me back she had just woken up from a nap, and seemed smiley and fine. so i said it was a false alarm and as soon as i put the phone down she started the "you're killing me" screaming again. yesterday the only thing that would quieten her was me carrying her, but i had to stand up whilst carrying her (sitting - not allowed) so my arms and legs and back are so knackered they're faintly shaking today. then she woke up every 2 hours at night for some food as she had barely eaten anything yesterday (doubtless too busy screaming), until 5 this morning when she refused to go back to sleep again. but she wasn't making too much noise until ali left at 7.30 this morning when she started screaming again. now i have a choice of "you're killing me" screaming if i lay her down, or "loud, moany-whimpering-type-screaming" if i carry her. silence is not an option. i keep taking long slow deep breaths in the mistaken assumption that she will pick up on my general aura of calm-in-control-ness. but she thinks that's a load of b***ocks and just keeps screaming.
oddly, the only thing that worked today was me putting her on her back on her changing mat on the bathroom floor while i took a shower. so that's my secret weapon and s*d the water shortage.
phew, just had to get that off my chest. in case you're wondering - i'm feeling alright bc i know this won't last, but thanks ladies for the release anyway.

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