Tuesday 19 June 2007

avoid death this weekend

my back is so fucked i can barely move in the mornings. find it hard to haul my own sorry ass out of bed and wash/ clothe myself let alone do it all for the bub. just keep popping painkillers, being grumpy and trying to push on through it all. swimming makes it worse so am missing out on my weekly peace haven.

went to doctor's today to get a referral so sorting it out but totally stressed as means more precious work time wasted.

jazzie's party looms. the forecast is for torrential rain. it's the same weekend as glastonbury. we should have worked that one out.

we have word that bf's grandma is slowly slipping away. she's in her 90s i think so definitely has had a good innings but i will be so bloody angry if she chooses to die this weekend when it's jazzie-time.

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