Thursday 7 June 2007

Jabs today

Took Jambeans for her MMR and 3rd Prevenar today. Not a pleasant task, and I'm not brilliant with injections myself. Like most cowards I do experience flashes of panic when they're coming up. But, whether its for me or her, I always try my best to put on a calm and fearless exterior.

I make a point of NEVER looking when they prepare the syringe, and I rarely watch when they stick it in. It's the only way I can really cope with the anticipation of pain. The nurse was in a chatty mood today, and kept up a lively stream of questions as she drew up the syringe, so I didn't have much choice today but to look at the enormous, glinting needle. I always thought that was also the one that went into your flesh. How wrong I was.

The needle that goes into you (or rather, the bub) is diddy.

What a discovery. I feel cheated. Why did no one tell me that before?

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