Wednesday 11 July 2007

To EPU or not to EPU

Paranoia has begun to set in.
(Or is it me just being extremely in tune with my body?)

After Monday's burst of pregnancy symptoms, today, I feel nothing.

I just don't feel pregnant today.

Didn't yesterday either, when my appetite returned big time. And the nausea went. And I felt quite alert and sprightly.

And it feels the same today. Barring, of course, the sleep-deprived variety of nausea and feeling totally knackered because of yet another random sleepless night, but that feels very different to the pregnancy variety.

And then I couldn't help but remind myself that when I had a miscarriage just over two years ago it presented at 11 weeks but they said it probably occurred around 6 weeks, and today I am 7 + 1 so it got me thinking... But then it's silly and doesn't mean anything and speculating about bad things happening doesn't help anyone.

So now I am sort of worried. But not in a panicky way. Just in a vague back of mind entertaining of the idea this might not have a happy ending and wondering if we should in fact go to the EPU?

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