Tuesday 19 August 2008

Eeeuuuuwww poo

So breastmilk poo is ok - yellow, mustardy, liquidy, smells a bit like stale breastmilk. Only downside is after a while you get a whiff of your breast pad and go, hmmm, smells a bit like baby poo...

Breastmilk to solids poo is also ok. Looks like what you put in - orange, carroty. Soft, like dough. Easy to clean.

Formula poo on the other hand is the most revolting substance on the planet. OMG is it smelly. OMG is it sticky. So sticky it takes half a pack of wipes. And how come it goes in so milky white and comes out so dark brown? Did I mention how smelly it is? In short: Makes. Me. Want. To. Gag.

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