Thursday 18 September 2008

Settling Babymomma in

After Felix' first, somewhat tearful, day at nursery the feeling that I was abandoning him started to gnaw at me terribly. The next day he looked up at me adoringly from his changing mat, babbling and giggling and cooing, and I felt an enormous wave of guilt wash over me. I just scooped him up and kissed him all over apologising for what I was about to do. I was still teary by the time we got to nursery. I spent the next few hours hiding out in the staff room and worrying. I'm know I'm not alone - lots of other mums have been through this before. Hell, even I've been through it before, so I should know better.

The basic premise is that you don't believe anyone else will look after your darling one as well as you can, or understand his cries, or respond to his needs. After all, you've only gone and devoted every waking hour of the last 7 months (plus many a sleeping one...) to your precious one and it's taken that long to really learn his language. How will they know that he likes to drink half his milk, wait for an hour, then finish it off? Who will play the standing game with him when he's upset? How will they realise when he's hungry? What happens if they just leave him crying on the floor? and so on.
So whilst I was anguishing downstairs, Felix was upstairs having a blast and after 2 hours I collected a happy, cooing baby.

There was an additional bonus. I got to spy on Jambeans playing through the staff room window, and that was totally precious.

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