Sunday 27 April 2008

Jambeans 2nd birthday

Jasmine is 2 years old today. Apparently she turns terrible from this point on. We did a quick reminisce about the drama of the day she was born, but the nice thing I realised is that I just don't think about it much any more.

She learned a new word today: "present" and she had ample opportunity to practise saying it because we utterly spoiled her with clothes'n'books'n'toys'n'plates'n'other-eating-stuff and a beautiful new tricycle. And we bought her the obligatory bowling ball gift in the form of a humungous chocolate cake that can quite comfortably feed, ooh, only about 12 grown ups. And we went to the zoo too where we chirpily said "come and see the bunny Jambeans" only it was a dead bunny that a vulture was busy eviscerating and we thought it was bloody funny (which makes it a Bloody Funny Bunny) but Auntie Judith who came too was a bit horrified at our particular brand of parenting humour.

Felix opted out of most of the celebrations today by being The Amazing Sleeping Baby but did manage to stay awake for a gorgeous sofa scrumble with Jambeans and Daddy which totally made Daddy's day.

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