Tuesday 13 May 2008

Felix does a triangle

Felix is 12 weeks and 2 days old.

He turned corner 1 recently when he started sleeping a couple of 5-6 hour shifts between 6pm-ish and 6am-ish. So Mummy got some decent sleep and was very Happy.

Corner 2 was turned a few days ago when he still managed a couple of 5-6 hour sleep shifts, but at the wrong times of day, so in the evening when we have both had long weary-making days and I desperately want the bubs to SLEEP NOW GODDAMIT we have the company of a very wakey babbling, burbling, occasionally crying and sometimes screaming Felix too.

Which is okay, and thank God I know not to go all Gina Ford on his ass, but being on child duty for longer makes Mummy Tired Again and Grumpy coming so soon after having a blissful taste of decent sleep and thinking 'at last at last at last.'

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