Tuesday 10 June 2008

Felix is a-changing

Just when you thought you got the measure of a bub, then whoosh, they go and grow up some and do things all different like. ok, enough of the crap language but i might dispense with caps as i'm doing this all one-handed and it's ve-ry-slo-ow. the effly beans has started getting chatty, and mainly emits these long, loud caterwaul type shrieks which are difficult to describe in words but are very funny and charming. and he's also started to chew his hands and fingers a lot more, and suck on the ball of my hand (is it the ball? or the heel? anyway, it's the fleshy bit of the palm just below the thumb) and he grabs, grabs, grabs at mussies and sheets and clothing but most of all at my hair which he often pulls out but unfortunately he only ever gets the long healthy black hair and i'm worried that it's going to reduce the black to white ratio beyond the point of acceptable.

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