Monday 9 June 2008

The frightening prospect of a short leash

My worst nightmare came true as Felix rejected the bottle 3 days ago. Didn't realise how much I had come to rely on him feeding from a bottle for my sense of freedom - it affords me the opportunity for a few hours respite from kids if I need to take it. As soon as that was gone I crashed emotionally. Painful memories of months of anxiety, misery and depression during Jasmine's bubtime bottle refusal/ cup rejection/ total weaning nightmare came flooding back together with feelings of resentment towards Felix - not nice. Spent most of the last 3 days forcing myself to stay calm and be positive then breaking down in floods of tears when it didn't work.

Bf tried the feeding him when he's half asleep trick last night and thankfully he drank without much ado. Early days but it's still a huge weight off my shoulders.

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