13 days to go...
I am so in countdown mode it's not true. woke up at 2am yesterday feeling so uncomfortable and tight in the tummy (but without having actual contractions) that i had to get up and have a walk around for a wee while. the feeling lasted pretty much all day so i had my first real day of doing absolutely nothing. as in nada, zip, nowt. it was all napping and feet up on the sofa, though i couldn't actually bring myself to switch on the telly and subject myself to the daytime pap.
it was an absolutely beautiful, sunny day outside, but was also awaiting a delivery of some RAM (bf's computer has died again... but that is so another story) so couldn't really leave the house just in case they came.
i was SO bored. and grumpy and crabby.
until i went to pick Princess Jambeans up and she totally cheered me up by being supercute and chatty. She is just such a gorgeous treasure angel princess.
her hives disappeared after a couple of days, so the flawless babysoft complexion is well and truly back. by all accounts she's also settling really well into the amber room at nursery, where she is a model, calm, little toddler amidst an army of rowdy boys apparently. everyone keeps commenting about what a good little eater she is - which just makes me smile in that mona lisa way and think, 'if they could see her father eat just once, this wouldn't be news.'
also discovered that my boss at work has resigned and will beleaving in a couple of weeks. good for him - i don't think our new working environment suits many of us really - but i did have to spend the day getting my head around what it means for me, perhaps, when i go back to work after maternity leave. came to the conclusion that it hasn't changed my plans at all, which is good, but it will be weird going back without many of the old crew around.
still, i'm gonna have a baby in two weeks' time so this will all be distant news after then.
feeling better today. have a haircut booked so that will help too.
New Year
9 years ago
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